The oil is stored in our high-quality stainless steel tanks, under a protective layer of inert gas in order to protect its outstanding quality. Bottle-filling occurs only at time of delivery, in a specially developed procedure: the bottles are filled under vacuum to avoid oxygen remaining in the neck of the bottle. For this, we use special bottles that guarantee absolute light protection. This unique combination offers optimal protection for the valuable ingredients. A note on the taste: Biological OLI DE SANTANYI – the “green gold” is a very structured olive oil with green, fruity flavours, a touch of bitterness and a fine piquancy. Recommended: for salads, Pa amb oli, antipasti, pasta, vegetables, meat and fish.
Reserving your annual supply of
“OLI DE SANTANYI“ Our bio-certified olive oil from the new harvest will be available at the end of November and delivered from December. Our oil is strictly limited therefore we would be happy if you could place your order as soon as possible.
Our analysis
The outstanding quality of our oil is confirmed by analysis and sensory Report ( laboratory ljb, Barcelona, Paneltest Generalitat de Catalunya, Laboratory Q.M., Sevilla).
Our awards

Download > Analisis-organolectico-espanol-ingles
Download > Analisis-oficiales-Barcelona-2015
Download > Analisis-Barcelona-2015
Download > Analyse-2017 Lluís Jané Busquets Labor d’Analisi S.L.
Download > Analyse-2018 Lluís Jané Busquets Labor d’Analisi S.L.
Download > Analyse-2019 Lluís Jané Busquets Labor d‘Analisi S.L.
Download > Analyse-2020 EUROPA-S.L.
Download > Analyse-2021 Lluís Jané Busquets Labor d’Analisi S.L.
Download > Analyse-2022-Lluís-Jané-Busquets-Labor-d’Analisi-S.L.
Download > Analyse-2023-Lluís-Jané-Busquets-Labor-d’Analisi-S.L.
Olive oil and its therapeutic effects
A balanced nutrition and daily use of olive oil help to stay healthy. This has been verified by recent scientific studies. The positive effect of olive oil is due to the high proportion of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants contained in the oil, as well as the unique combination of other ingredients. Phenols, vitamin E, sterols, squalene, oleocanthal, etc. prevent or slow down pathological processes.
Olive oil – the better, the healthier!
The organic OLI DE SANTANYI contains a particularly high proportion of valuable polyphenols etc. and no harmful substances such as pesticides. The high quality is due to the early harvesting time and the high-tech process for oil extraction. Only olive oil with a high content of antioxidative polyphenols of over 250 mg/kg has a therapeutic effect. While supermarket oil often contains only about 60 mg/kg, OLI DE SANTANYI reaches values of over 600 mg/kg*.
• Reduces the risk of alzheimer’s/parkinson’s
• Strengthens the cardiovascular system
• Protects against heart attack and stroke
• Prevents arteriosclerosis
• Reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis
• Reduces the risk of cancer (prostate, colorectal, breast, stomach)
• Reduces the “bad” cholesterol (the good HDL cholesterol remains the same)
• Protects the liver
• Prevents osteoporosis
• Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, improves the blood glucose profile of diabetics
• Prevents depression
• Anti aging, reduces oxidative stress, regulates the immune system
• Protects the skin, delays the aging process
• Reduces periodontitis
We recommend: A tablespoon (10-15ml) of OLI DE SANTANYI every morning. In addition, many other foods can be enhanced with the oil, in order to increase the total amount taken.
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• PLOS One: Grossi C, et al. The Polyphenol Oleuropein Aglycone Protects TgCRND8 Mice against Aß Plaque Pathology (PDF),
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• Cecilia Samieri, PhD, Olive oil consumption, plasma oleic acid, and stroke incidence: Three-City Study. University of Bordeaux and
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• PREDIMED Studie, Fàtima Paiva-Martins et al. Effects of olive oil polyphenols on erythrocyte oxidative damage, Mol Nutr Food
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• American Heart Association, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2014, 34:2115-2119
• O LeGendre et al. Oleocanthal rapidly and selectively induces cancer cell death via lysosomal membrane permeabilllization,
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• Rutgers Today, 08 2015, Oleocanthal kills cancer cells with their own enzymes
• EFSA (Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit), EFSA Journal 2011, Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health
claims related to polyphenol in olive and protection of LDL particles from oxidative damage, maintenance of normal blood HDL-
cholesterol concentrations
• Carnevale, Roberto, et al. „Extra virgin olive oil improves post-prandial glycemic and lipid profile in patients with impaired fasting
glucose.“ Clinical Nutrition (2016), University of Rome La Sapienza
• Carnevale, Roberto, et al. „Violi, F., et al. „Extra virgin olive oil use is associated wirth improved post-prandial blood glucose and
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• Konstantinidou Y. et al., 2010, in vivo nutrigenomic effects of virgin olive oil polyphenols within the frame of the Mediterranean
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• Francisco Perez-Jimenez, et al., 2010, Gene expression changes in mononuclear cells in patients with metabolic
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